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Name another driver

Please think carefully about your options.

If you’d like help, contact your local Community Legal Centre.

If you’ve received a fine, and someone else was driving your vehicle at the time, you can name that person as the driver. This is called “nominating another driver.”

The fine may be transferred to them, or your application may be rejected if you do not provide enough information about the driver.

When should you do this?
  • If someone else was driving the vehicle at the time of the offence
  • and you received the fine in the post, rather than on-the-spot

You can’t name another driver if:

  • You were given the fine in person
  • You have received an unregistered vehicle fine and you own the vehicle
  • Taxi drivers can’t nominate another driver if that person does not match the driver records kept by the taxi operator
Important things to know:

Be quick

You must name the person responsible before the due date shown on the fine

Don't pay your fine

If you name someone else, don't pay the fine.

Excessive Speed Offences

If the fine is for an excessive speed offence, you must act quickly. You must name the driver within 28 days of the date the fine was issued, or your licence will be suspended or cancelled and you will receive a conviction for the offence.

How to apply

You can name another driver by completing the “nomination statement” on the back of your notice and posting it to the address provided on the notice.

For some fines you can apply online through Fines Victoria.

If the agency is happy that the form contains all the necessary details and you have responded within the time limit, a new fine will be sent to the driver. Your fine will be cancelled.

If the fine is for an excessive speed offence, you must act quickly. You must name the driver within 28 days of the date the fine was issued, or your licence will be suspended or cancelled and you will receive a conviction for the offence.

How it works

Complete the Nomination Statement

  • Complete the nomination statement on the back of the fine
  • and send to the address provided on the fine
  • For some fines you can apply online through Fines Victoria

Your application is reviewed

  • The reviewing agency will check that your application for nomination includes all of the necessary details and is provided within the correct time limit.

Re-issue the fine to the driver

  • A new fine will be sent to the driver

Please don’t ignore your fine.

If you do not take action by the due date you may have to pay more or go to court.